
EANGI Legislative 

EANGI works with our National Organization, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS), along with the Military Coalition to promote our legislative agenda. EANGUS speaks with your US Representatives in the House and Senate on a daily basis. Our agenda focuses on you – members of the Army and Air National Guard. However, we can’t do it all alone. We need you to contact your respective Congressmen and Senators to voice your opinions and concerns on issues that affect your National Guard careers and benefits. This legislative section of our website offers you an insight into topics that we are currently pursuing, and it alerts you to actions you can take to help us while we help you in these efforts.


Upfront Priorities

State – Military Pension Tax Exemption (SF 303)  Part of the Home Base Iowa Initiative.  This priority is making its way swiftly through the Iowa Legislature.  With everyone’s support, passing of this initiative will result in no state taxation against military pensions.


Federal – Conduct of an Army Structure Study (HR 3930)  With the mounting reductions across the Department of Defense, the Army National Guard needs to be prepared to defend itself against unnecessary cuts.  The overwhelming majority of Governors and  Adujtant Generals have opposed drastic cuts to the Army National Guard.  Currently, 140 Representatives have Co-Sponsored the upcoming House Resolution.  Encourage your State Delegate to sign on to keep the Iowa National Guard strong.


Other Priorities

State – Eliminate T32 vs. T10 Tax Inequity (HF 2372), IDT Pay Income Tax Exemption, Increase Homeowners Grant Funding (SF 2242/HF2317), Fully Fund NGEAP, Licensing and Credentialing Boards Review and Evaluate Military Experience (HF 2319), Private Sector Veterans Preference (HF 2319), Provide Additional Homestead Credit to Disabled Veterans (HF 2234), Academic Credit for Military Training and Experience (HF 2224), Budget Increase for Gold Star Museum


Federal – Honor America’s Guare-Reserve Retirees Act (S 629), Space A Travel for Drill Status Guardsmen Enforcement (NDAA 2013), NGREA Funding, Enforcement of Air Force Commission Recommendations, Protecting Dual-Status Military Technicians from Furlough Under Future Sequesters.



TITLE: Amend Veterans Opportunity to Work Act National Guard Requirements

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Current guidance mandates members to complete Transition Assistance Program requirements when on Title 10 orders for 180+ days.

PROPOSAL TYPE: New Submission


Now 21, 2011- Public Law 112-56

February 29, 2016 – Department of Defense Instruction 1332.35



Current guidance mandates members to complete Transition Assistance Program (TAP) requirements when on Title 10 orders for 180+ days. The focus of this program is the transition to civilian careers post-military commitment. Program requirements include: Pre-Separation Counseling (4 hours), VA Benefits I & II Briefing (6 hours), Transition Goals Plans Success (TGPS) Workshop – unless exempt (40 hours), and CAPSTONE Career Readiness Standards: eBenefits registration, DOL Gold Card, Individual Transition Plan, GAP Analysis, Interest Profiler, 12-month budget, and Resume/Job Acceptance Letter (4 hours).

National Guard members with full-time employment or student status are able to exempt out of the TGPS workshop. However, these transitioning Service Members are required to complete all other portions of the program totaling a minimum of fourteen hours. More than fifty percent of the programs discussed during Pre-Separation Counseling provide job-placement assistance to individuals that are not seeking new employment or career change. These members are also required to complete irrelevant tasks such as a transition plan to analyze future employment and a budget although they have not proven fiscal irresponsibility. Current necessity for the state of Iowa mandates that the 950 members serving 180 days or more on Title 10, require the Transition Assistance Program. At a minimum, compliance will necessitate 30,200 hours of member time on the Transition Assistance Program plus an additional 400 hours of staffing requirements per month. This cost equates to roughly $675,000 for the state of Iowa given the current deployment requirements.

The Transition Assistance Program focuses on many of the programs that already exist and are available to members throughout the military life cycle. Since TAP requires immense staffing, other programs do not receive adequate attention or marketing. Furthermore, the Transition Advisor, Citizen Soldier for Life, resume assistance, Military OneSource, Personal Financial Counselor, the Department of Labor, VA Representatives, Legal office, Voting Assistance, Education office, and eBenefits are duplicative.

In order to be in compliance with the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, National Guard Service Members must complete the program while on Title 10 orders. To meet this law, Soldiers and Airman are being tasked to complete the VA Benefits briefing and Career Readiness Standards during deployment. Members do not receive additional days on orders or funding to meet these requirements at home-station before or after deployment. Service members are being impacted by the added distraction of this curriculum effecting mission execution. Current missions include members completing Title 10 orders and returning to the same position in a Title 32 technician or AGR status the following day. TAP mandates impede the seamless transition between status conversion for these members.


Revise the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act to provide leniency for National Guard members by giving flexibility of program requirements to Squadron/Company Commanders.