Title: Blended Retirement System for New AGRs
Description: Allow newly hired AGR’s the option to enroll in the BRS
Proposal Type: NEW
Submitter: IOWA
Initial Submission Date: ___ 2020
Business Case: The Blended Retirement System is the current retirement program for new enlistees. However the opt-in period for most Service Members closed on 31 December 2018. Following the opt-in period, many National Guard members have been converted or newly hired as an AGR in a nation-wide effort to convert the force. The Blended Retirement System was not appealing due to various reasons for traditional members or technicians, however after conversion, the system would benefit those now in an AGR status. AGR members with orders over 3 years (annual fiscal) should be provided the one-time, irrevocable option at time of hire to convert to the BRS
Recommendation: Allow for a one-time, irrevocable option to elect the Blended Retirement System for newly hired AGR members with orders greater than 3 years.