Title: Technician to AGR Control Grade Adjustment
Description: Enlisted leadership positions limited for technicians that convert to AGR Iowa
Proposal Type: NEW
Submitter: IOWA
Initial Submission Date: 4/13/20
Business Case: here is a control grade shortage directly tied to the T32 Technician
conversion to an AGR force in the Air National Guard. An unforeseen
byproduct of the conversion, the amount of required control grades has not
kept pace. Senior enlisted technicians may have years of eligibility as an
AGR but are not willing to convert or are forced to demote in order to attain
an AGR position. This will cap the enlisted professional force and stove-pipe
the progression of multiple generations of leaders. This not only impacts
command and control, but also recruiting/retention and is an issue of a ready
and fit operational force.
Recommendation: An increase in control grades is necessary for full-time enlisted Air National
Guard members. This growth must continue exponentially as the force
continues to convert to an up to 75% AGR construct.